Leagues FAQ

The page contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Leagues. See the complete list of rules on the Leagues page under Documents.
Q: Who provides balls at leagues matches?
A: The visiting team provides the balls.
Q: If the courts are wet at the time of my match, how long can we delay before starting?
A: If, at match time, the courts are not playable due to weather, the match must be rescheduled, unless both captains agree to delay and the facility can accommodate.
Q: If my season started 2 weeks ago, can I be removed and receive a refund?
A: Any player registered on a team in a league season shall remain on such roster for the balance of the league season unless any of the following occurs:
*Relocation outside greater San Antonio area, verified by League Director *The first match of the league has not been played and the player requests to be removed.
*The player is subject to USTA TX Section and USTA National rules that result in removal

Q: If the wind chill is 38 degrees, can my match be delayed?
A: There are no rules for wind chill.
Matches may be postponed for the following weather conditions, unless both captains agree to play:
Cold: Temperature is 40º or colder.
Heat: Temperature is 105º or higher
Q: It started raining during my match warmup and no points were played. Can I change the lineup for the makeup match?
A: Yes. If a match is interrupted by weather, the lineup shall stand only for those portions that had already started their match (first service attempt). All other positions, even those that were in warm-up, may be changed for the makeup match.